Saturday, September 23, 2017

Interest Approach Lab

This past week's lab I was quite excited for! It was working on our interest approach. Interest approaches are so important, because that's how we get our kids into the class! For this lab, I used the second lesson from my Agriscience Applications class that I will be teaching in Spring. This class is similar to an Intro class, so it covers a little bit of everything. The first unit I will be teaching is an Employment Skills and Ag Sales Unit. The second lesson covers elevator speeches and interview skills. 

I chose to use a section of video for my interest approach. The video showcases a series of people in the first 30 seconds of there interview. The people exhibit different interviewing qualities of both appropriate and inappropriate things. I had the students write the qualities they saw and whether they were good or bad. I then had the students choose from the series of people of who they thought would be the best hire. 

The overall review of my interest approach was quite successful. The students really seemed to grasp the task well and understand it's purpose! I also was greatly complimented on my compassion and care of my students. I appreciated this compliment very much, as part of my philosophy as a teacher is to be a great mentor and guide to my student's. Student's have enough bosses in there lives and certainly have plenty of friends. I strive to be an example and role model to my student's. 

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