Happy Easter!
A short week prior to Easter break can lead to unmotivated and restless students. As a student teacher we learn to battle through these types of situations.
My freshman finished up there meat unit and we took our tool pretest. There scores of some of my students were better then I expected, but over all the scores were low. Which is totally fine, leaves more room for improvement!
I co-taught large animal for two days this week. We completed a concept map for balanced rations and then learned how to figure out dry matter matter equations. The students seemed to really grasp it and I was quite pleased with how the lesson went.
In ENR, we wrote up the plans and materials list to build our hawk live trap. The students will have 3 days after break to complete the build. After that we are starting bio fuels! I'm quite excited to start this lab based unit!
Landscape is getting better. This new method of approaching the content is seeming to work better. Some students are still given me a hard time, but with such a bland topic, it's hard to get everyone.
My highlight of the week though involved something outside of normal class time. A student reached out to me for guidance and counsel when she needed help. It felt good to realize I had truly developed a bond with my student's, that they felt safe to come to me.
Katie, thanks for sharing about the busy week you had and about the variability you are experiencing in the classroom. I hope you got to use your awesome ration balancing snack lesson! As we head into the final few weeks, what are you most proud of so far, and what do you want to improve on/accomplish before your internship is finished?